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Questions on moving from WINS to DNS

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I need a little help with Migration from NT4 to Win2k.


We have a main office which hosts the Primary and Backup Domain controllers. We also have a WAN with 6 offices that contain BDC's. Each office has a router and at the main office there is a PIX firewall between the main office and the outside world. All of these are running NT4.


We upgraded the main office's BDC to Win2K server, made it the PDC and used AD and DNS. The original PDC will be upgraded in a day or so, and we will then convert that into its original function as a PDC. We also want to upgrade the WAN locations but have run into a question.


We have WINS working great at the moment, and replicate it one way so the NAT translation doesn't hose the PDC WINS database up. The main office is set at 172.30.x.x while the WAN is set at 192.168.x.x. The WAN computers communicate with the main office using 172.17.x.x as the translated address. The PIX is set so no one can ping the PDC from the outside.


What can we do to allow DNS to handle name resolution (and replicate it) without getting the servers all confused? We had this problem with WINS, and solved it by only replicating it in a single direction, create Static mappings, then turnning on MIGRATION (To prevent static mappings from being overwritten). Can this be done with DNS?


Thank you!!

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Hmm, I think I have a decent idea of what you might want to do. First, since you have DNS running, do you have all of your necessary servers listed in there? Also, do you have a reverse lookup zone enabled? Do you have WINS lookup setup as well? This can permit clients that are not registering properly in DDNS to have dynamic records as well. They register in WINS, then when there is a DNS lookup the DNS server will scan its local DB, and then move to WINS if it can't find it. If it finds the same host name, it then tacks on the domain suffix that's being used. The same can be applied to reverse lookup zones.


Now, onto replication. Assuming you have solid lookups going, you can simply restrict DNS replication to servers on the name server list. This is what I do, and it works quite well.



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Thanks clutch. We had a similar idea, but no where near as detailed or complete as yours, and we left a few things out wink . We will give it a go!


Once again, thank you smile

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Cool, let me know how it turns out. I have some links on DNS setup info, but I don't want to flood you with redundant info if you don't need it.



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