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Weird e-mail problem

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I am running Windows 2000 with SP3 and have been having a weird issue with my e-mail.


I can check my e-mail once and only once when my system first starts up...I can press send and receive over and over and it will check it fine but as soon as I leave Outlook express it stops working.


Every e-mail check after that times out. frown I have tried using Outlook, outlook express, and ICQ's e-mail check. I have installed both I.E. 5.5 and 6.0 and it makes no change.

I have tried doing a selective startup so that nothing ran when my computer started but it still does the same. Every other internet function works fine.


I had both windows ME and XP installed before and haven't run into this problem before.


Any suggestions would be helpful.

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Talked with a guy about this the other day, he uses all the same email clients, he stated that he went sp2, then upgraded to sp3, has been having no problems...

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