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Finally made it to Hawaii

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Well After a cross country trip and 7000 miles in flight, I finally made it.




Maybe I'll be less cranky from now on. laugh

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Thanks mate.



After being in Seattle, between the endless rain, and the fact I'm allergic to every tree, pollen, dust, and whatever else exists and Washinston State being the allergy capitol of the Continental US, I'm rather happy to be here.

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You are in Hawaii.


My two points are:

Why are you inside on the 'net when there are people (your preference) sitting on the beach waiting to meet you? ;(


If you have a partner with you, I have two things to say to you....secluded lagoon, spa bath. :x


For those of us stuck in Winter, doing boring jobs, allow us to live vicariously, PLEASE!!!!!!!!! 8)

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To answer your points, My wife would object to the chasing skirts, or in this case bikini bottoms at the beach, and we have to get a house or APT first, then a beach going we will go smile



I still have no clue what vicariously means ;(

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I still have no clue what vicariously means ;(

to live vicariously through others means like to hear about what the others are doing and kinda pretend/imagine that you are doing that

that is why dumb housewives watch soap operas

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