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Well, this certainly qualifies as "Other"...

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It looks like I am going to be a dad. I just found out this evening, and she is going to the hospital on Monday to confirm it, but we are pretty sure. So I thought I would tell you guys.



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Wow, congratulations!


I hope this doesn't affect your NTCompatible social life though... wink

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Grats bro.



I'm a first time father of a 8 month old. There's nothing that compare to it.

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8) nice work smile


But i think it comes under xp hardware really :x

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Tnx guys. It's odd that I would tell you guys, but I haven't told anybody I know in "real life" yet. Oh well...



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Congratulations, Clutch.

You make me feel much younger. I remember this day when she told me something like "mmmm, love, I believe we have done something with a lot of consequence..."

I was jumping and running all over the place "God, father, I AM A FATHER!!!!"

As far as I remember, we started to make another one immediately! wink

What a day, you know guys. Cannot forget.

Two grand kids now.

Life is great laugh

You will enjoy ... well I must warn you man, the first months after birth can be exhausting x) :x

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Good Arrers smile

(UK saying, I am sure you can work it out)

That's ok, I've been catching myself thinking that if something wasn't good or agreeable that it's "pants".


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If we wait anither 17-18 years we are going to have another great admin now...

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Savannah Xev for a girl, and we haven't thought of a boy's name yet.

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