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Some games do not go...

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Hi all...I am new to this nice place and I have some questions to ask you.

So my problems started when I installed Windows 2000 and tried not only using programs but also some games of mine.

I have to say that I got an overclocked system but making all hardware pheripherals going to their nominal frequencies LOOKUPS did not disappear.

The only graphical things that still work are 3DMark2001 SE, UT, Quake3...other games like Dungeon Siege want to make some breaks during their execution.

I want to say that before, when I was using Win XP, I had not all these noticeable lookups.

Two days ago have updated the OS to the latest sp3, installed the latest chipset drivers and nothing was solved.

Hope these are only specific application problems cause I have no intention to see Win XP in execution anymore.

Thanks all.

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Can you give us more details about your computer? What processor, what graphics card etc..


If it's an AMD processor, then a simple reg tweak may fix the problem.

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yes we really need to know as many details as possible to help you solve your problem please list all hardware and driver versions. Also you mention lockups but you don't really give any detail. Are these blue screens? Are they application lockups? If XP wasn't giving you these types of problems why don't you want to use it anymore?

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