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New P4T533 and P4 2.53 won't boot....Thanks to my GF3 ti500!

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Hey guys...


I just bought about a 1000 dollars worth of new stuff including a Asus P4T533, 2.53 P4, 100gig 8MB cache hard drive, and 512MB of Samsung rimm4200. The problem is, I can boot all the way to the Windows XP screen with the little moving blue bar....then it locks, everytime. When I pull out my Visiontek Xtasy GF3 ti500, and put in my old Hercules GF2 MX400, the system boots up just fine. The sick thing is, with my GF3 installed, I can't even boot into Safe Mode !! I have tryed every bios setting I could possibly think of....and I still can't get past the Windows XP screen with the moving blue bar.


Please help....Cuz I really don't wanna buy a new video card right now after spending close to a grand on this new stuff.

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How big of a power supply do you have?
I believe it's an Enermax EG-451...which is about 430 watts. I'll go ahead and unplug some unused stuff (CDR, DVD, case fans) and see what happens.

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Damn...I thought you might have been correct Brian, but unfortunately it still locks up at the same spot !! The blue bar moves across the screen once, maybe twice, then stops !! frown


I hope somebody has the answer, or can atleast lead me closer to the answer....

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do u have to use windows XP. maybe try windows 2000 pro and see if u get a better response. in thiskind of instance i would try a different o/s



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Pull every other card out, CDROm, and disable any onboard ports. INcluding USB, Serial, parallel and Lan, and then Try to Boot it.



Also make sure that its secured with that little latch thing which comes on the ASUS board and the AGP slot

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do a freash format?


get new bios drivers for the video card - i know G4's have them, not sure if G3's do.


and try a new o/s just to see if it works as said above.

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Well, I tryed just about everything....all to no avail. So, I went to Best-Buy this morning and bought a PNY GF4 Ti4400....so all is good now.


ThanX to all you guys for your advice and help, but I was putting far too much time into trying to figure out this stupid problem. I feel pretty stupid about chickening out and spending the $250 on this new card, but once again, I have more money right now than I do time. Though my Ti500 is still a great card, I won't argue about having a new Ti4400 !! So it looks like my old Ti500 will just stay in my old computer where it originally was...


ThanX again to everyone !!

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Well, I tryed just about everything....all to no avail. So, I went to Best-Buy this morning and bought a PNY GF4 Ti4400....so all is good now.

If only it was always that simple laugh

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