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XP to 98 Dialup Server

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I cannot figure out how to get XP Pro to dial into a Win98 dialup Server.


I can dial in an connect via two 98 boxes by just entering a password. After connecting I can browse the 98 dialup servers shared directories.


However, I cannot get passed the user name password authentication screen when trying to connect from an XP pro machine.


The error message is invalid username password. I have reset both and tried again but no luck.


Anyone have the same issue or recommendations on a fix? frown

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Yes I lnow why win98. Simply, money and because I have to.




Yes, I have used no username and just the password, but that didn't work either for XP.



The shares are not a problem. It the dial up authentication that is. Like when one logs into Prodigy or something.

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Thanks for the reply but using guest as the username when connecting from XP to 98 failed to logon, also.



More tips are welcome! frown

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