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Four and Twenty

SP3 BSOD with Deamon Tools

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Happens on my buddy's computer

as soon as you load any image with deamon tools BAM!! BSOD

the fuct up part is i turned off the auto restart on BSOD and it still restarts and i can't see the BSOD


Thist is the only 2k sp3 machine i have used so i don't know if it is the comp or some driver in the system or if it is a bug in sp3 itself.

anyways I tried versions 3.16 and 3.17 of deamon tools and both did the same, anyone else get this?

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Nope, 3.17 workin here with XP Pro SP1 and 2K SP3. Also works with just XP and 2K Sp2.

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yea i thought that it was weird

I saw this happen on one of the XP beta builds a while back

with an older version of DTools but nothing like this since

I am not really woried about it. It is not my computer and the dude doesn't need the program I jsut wanted to use it to put some stuff on there.

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A few months ago I started getting BSOD whenever I disabled all drives. After uninstalling, rebooting, then reinstalling, the problem was fixed.

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