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Windows XP with SP1 and IntelliType

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I can't install IntelliType after isntalling a fresh copy of XP with SP1. Anyone else got this problem? Or even better, know a solution for it? BTW, I got a MS Natural Keyboard Pro

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I can't install IntelliType after isntalling a fresh copy of XP with SP1. Anyone else got this problem? Or even better, know a solution for it? BTW, I got a MS Natural Keyboard Pro

I have the same problem on .NET server
i was able to install the drivers but not the control panel aplets and whatnot which is what i need. Can't install intellipoint either.

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It installs, almost, right after the install (copyd the files to the HD) it says "Can't load setup.exe", or something like that.

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Did you download the latest Intellipoint from Microsoft?....There is a new version that was released a couple weeks ago. I installed this new version on my XP Service Pack 1 machine with no problem.

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I think its the latest one. I downloaded it from www.microsoft.com/hardware.


But I'm using a Natural Keyboard Pro and on the list when I'm supposed to choose wich keyboard I have mine is there but its says "discontinued", but I can still choose it so I guess it should still be supported.


Can you give me a link to the latest intellitype download?

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