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Soundcard with a Optical out

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Im looking for a soundcard with an optical output so that i can plug it into my Panasonic dts amp, is there any online uk retailers selling any as i cant find 1 on ebuyer. Thanx guyz

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Is there a retailer who sells the SoundBlaster Audigy line? I have an Audigy MP3 card, and it has coax digital out, and if you were to get the platinum line, it has fiber out via the audigy drive front panel connection.

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Failing that, you can get adaptors that convert coaxial into optical and vice versa. I toyed with the idea a while back when I came across some cheap speakers that had onboard Dolby Digital decoding. I wanted to hook them up to my PS2 for surround sound on the cheap (the three words I live by) but they only had a coax input and the PS2 only has optical output. In the end I didn't buy the speaker since, even at AUD$150, I didn't have the money for them (my car got in the way, IIRC), they were only a limited offer (distress purchase due to Gateway going out of business here) and most importantly of all 66% of the system would have gone to waste due to much of my DVD collection being Dolby Digital 2.0 only.

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The Hercules Fortissimo II Digital Edition


Or the Upcoming Fortissimo III.


Also the Hercules Game Theatre XP, any version.

This card has some many input/output options you'll never run out of possibilties.


All three of these cards are substantially cheaper than all except the lowest of the line Audigy cards, and the Fortissomo II will still be cheaper yet.


I've heard some people have had trouble with drivers for older Fortissimos, but the Digital Edition is supposed to be trouble free.


Sound quality is great on all these cards, and according to Hercules' UK site, are all readily available there.

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