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Radeon 9000 driver problem

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tried searching, no help..

I got myself a Sapphire Radeon 9000 Atlantis video card with 128MB of RAM, and I installed it and booted up into Win XP, but for some reason, I can't get any drivers to work with it.. I tried the drivers that came with the card, I tried the drivers on the Sapphire website, and I've even tried the reference drivers posted by ATI.. I formatted my hard drive in hopes of getting somewhere with this, but the same thing happened: whenever I install the driver the machine reboots on its own and after the "Starting Windows XP" splash screen comes up I get a blank screen with 2 small dashes at the top of the screen... that's it... does anyone know why no driver is working? any help, please ;(

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the dashes, how long have u left it there?


i have experienced that, and it lasted maybe 3-4 mins, then booted up fine and never did that again...


have u tried maybe some "older" driver for that card, if u can get them?


what are teh rest of the specs on your system?

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