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win 2000 problem

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The last 2 months i am facing a problem with win 2000 . I can't install any program in my pc at all . That has happened already with Acrobat reader ( i 've tried 3 different versions fron 3 different sources ) ,games ,other programs provided as freeware in several sites like tucows etc.

First of all i can't install their set-up exe files . As soon as an install wizzard appears in the screen the set-up stops suddenly. I am taking error messages conserning dll files missing and similar notices . Another error message that i am seeing in my screen says " can't find the ..path to that file ,or file missing from program files , dll file missing can't be found in C:\WINTT\system32 .Yesterday i got this message during a set-up " No space on drive

The installation requires 1593 k bytes

Drive C: has only 1054248 k bytes of free space Continue anyway ?

I hadn't similar problems with win 2000 before ( i am using win 2000 for more than a year)

At the beginning i was thinking that the particular file that i was trying to install had a problem itself .But after several set-up attempts with different programs i think that there should be a problem with win 2000.

Can anyone help ? What seems to be the problem with those dll files ?Is there any service pack from microsoft that solves this problem wthout further conflicts ,mulfunctions ?

Thanks in advance

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Either no admin rights or you may have (A) Corrupt install of windows/corrupt system files or (B) A nasty virus.

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It could sound like the Chernobyl virus. It corrupts all the .exe files on your harddrive. I had it once on my old computer and nothing on it worked.

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Hi it sounds to me like you're having problems with the Windows Installer. Service Pack 3 comes with an updated are slightly less buggy version of the Windows Installer. Have you tried installing Service Pack 3 yet? Have you tried re-installing SP3?

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The problem appears only when i am trying to install a prog or a freeware in my pc .Most of that programs like acrobat reader , or other give you an exe file that contains the set-up and launches an install wizzard . Most other exe files seem to work fine.

1 .Suppose it is the virus that it is mentioned how can i check it ?

2. To Christianb:

It sounds reasonable as it mostly happens during installation.The only think i would like to know about service pack 3 is :

I have to downloaded it and run straight forward or does it needs anything else ?

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The only think i would like to know about service pack 3 is :
I have to downloaded it and run straight forward or does it needs anything else ?

Yes, so long as you've restarted since then and didn't receive any error messages during installation, you should be fine. To check your Service Pack Level just press [Windows] + [Pause] and read the upper right of the page.

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