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Problems with Warcraft 3

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When ever i try to run warcraft 3, It say it cannot initialize Directx but i have directx installed v8.1b. I ran dxdiag and discovered that directdraw acceleration and direct3D acceleration were not availble. why is this? can i fix this?

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Ok that pretty much solves everything except how did you know I had a TNT 8) ???? Thanks a million



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After a certain amount of time you become telepathic in this field.....Muahahahahhaha. laugh

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yes, telepathy... laugh


That reminds me of one of my favorite Dilberts:



PS - You had your system model in your specs... a little quick research discovered the video card in that system.

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A wise man once said "Very clever grasshopper" or maybe the grasshopper said....... i cant really remember how it goes but good for you! You deserve a cookie

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I'll have to apologize for my last post. I'm very sorry if it doesn't make sense but i havent slept since monday and it made since to me. bite me.

thanks for all your wonderful help


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There's also the fact that it would be pointless to have any other kinda of video card in that system. And, anything less powerful wouldn't be able to run WC3 very well

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When I put my Warcraft 3 disc in, it usually pops up and says install right?...well its not doing that. I think my dad came in my room and tweaked some stuff and i was hoping one of you guys could tell me where to goso that I can make the warcraft 3 thing pop-up. I recently uninstalled and want to re-install. So please one of you awesome people reply, thanks.

Catcha later



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