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Can somone please tell me if there is another way of getting hold of the setwin95.cmd file, except copying from the win-nt cd as I no longer have the cd. I am trying to install nfs3 on Win nt but with no luck....





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Here you go... just save the following text as setwin95.cmd:





@echo off


REM This batch script will mark an image file so that it thinks it is running

REM on Windows 95.


if "%1" == "" goto usage

echo Marking %1 executable so it thinks it is running on Windows 95

imagecfg -w 0xC0000004 %1 >nul

goto done


echo Usage: SETWIN95 executableFileName


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Here you go... just save the following text as setwin95.cmd:

@echo off
REM This batch script will mark an image file so that it thinks it is running
REM on Windows 95.
if "%1" == "" goto usage
echo Marking %1 executable so it thinks it is running on Windows 95
imagecfg -w 0xC0000004 %1 >nul
goto done
echo Usage: SETWIN95 executableFileName

imagecfg is a great little tool
it can be used to mod exes for proccessor affinity aswell

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Finaly it's working!!


Thanks for helping me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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