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Win DVD: "Create Overlay Failed Try Lower Screen Res&qu

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I have a copy of Win DVD 3.2 and a Creative Labs 12X DVD Player along with an ATI Radeon 7500 Graphics card running Direct X 8.1 and the Lastest drivers.


Every time i try to play a DVD i get the MEssage


Create Overlay Failed, Please Lower your screen resolution or colour depth and try again


Even when i do this the same message keeps on appearing, any ideas on how to get this to work??


Another thing this was working a couple of days ago on the same computer!! i cant think what graphics wise has changed!

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Did you run Netmeeting recently? I was getting the same error message too and managed to track it down to Netmeeting causing the problem. If you run and then close Netmeeting, the problem should go away.

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ok i found out that it was because i disabled direct draw in the direct x program!!, i have been experiencing other problems with my computer so i disabled that in trying to solve this other prolem lol and i forgot to enable it again


if you still have probs with it i typed the error message in to google and it came up with some possible solutions mainly things like video drivers but its worth a look



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