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Lost left pane when viewing a folder

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Running Win 2k:


This isn't using explorer, but just opening up a folder or drive with the web view on the left and the entries on the right. The preview pane is gone. Happened before and I had to re-install Win 2k to get it back but I reaslly don't want to do that again.


I'm sure it is a registry edit solution. If you look under: winnt\web the wvleft.bmp is the file that creates this view. I know this because I deleted it once before (not on this machine) and the same thing happened. It would be the same as checking under folder options the use windows classic folders instead of web view. You CAN'T just re-check that and then click on folder views: like current folder. That WON'T work!


Something changed the registry so that the bitmap that windows needs to create that view doesn't get pointed or referenced to.


At least that's what I think. I hope you understand that I'm NOT refering to the dual pane of Explorer!


I have run a virus check and it comes up clean.

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There should be a file called folder.htt in the folder. You chould be able to copy this file from another folder or machine. You will want to make sure this view is enabled for the folder byl using the folder view pulldown.

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If I do a "customize this folder" 2 additional entries get added to that folder only: a hidden "folder settings" and a "destop.ini"


Those entries were not there before and that is the only way I found to band-aid the problem for that folder. You have to do the same for ANY and ALL folders you view. NOT a acceptable soluton!


When you say copy this "folder.htt", copy where, in each folder? Same scenario!

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I just want to make sure I understand your question. Is what I've marked in Red missing and what I've marked in green still there?


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For the record Folder.htt isn't always present. It's only located by default in your My Pictures folder, the Windows directory and I think program files too. I always just search and delete all of them except the one in the my pictures folder.

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The first question is: How do you add a image to these posts? If I knew that I would of posted the image by now.


To answer your question, the whole left side is not there. The green and the red areas! The left edge of the window would be the edge of the folder icons.


I always use detail view since I detest those childish, 3rd grade, silly, stupid, moran icons. Besides that I really don't like them too much!..............Just a little humor

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The first question is: How do you add a image to these posts? If I knew that I would of posted the image by now.

Hi Bruce,
To post pictures you need to do the following:
0. Start a photo editor, I'll use MS Paint, because everyone has it
1. Click "Image"--> "Attributes", and set the width and heighth to 1 x1 Pixels
2. Switch to the program you want to take a picture of.
3. Press PrintScreen (to take a picture of the whole screen) or AL+PrintScreen to just get the active window
4. Paste the image into your photo editor
5. Save it.
6. Upload it to your web or ftp site.
7. in the MessageForum view click the IMG button
8. Type in the URL after the
[IMG] tag
(be sure to use %20 for any spaces in the URL)
9. Press Alt+P to close your IMG tag

To answer your question, the whole left side is not there. The green and the red areas! The left edge of the window would be the edge of the folder icons.

Okay so I've depicted what you're missing in blue:


I always use detail view since I detest those childish, 3rd grade, silly, stupid, moran icons.

Hmm...sometimes I really like that childish Macintosh-type view. It gives me a good spacial feel and helps me sense the file types. Other times if I want more details I've enable detail view. I have Details on in some folders and off in others.


Besides that I really don't like them too much!..............Just a little humor

Good we could all use a little more humor smile.

I have personally had this problem before and resolved it, but I'm having a hell of time figuring out where to enable/disable it for you frown. Perhaps someone else knows?

Best of Luck,

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Well I guess that leaves me out since I don't have a web or FTP site!


Yes, what I'm missing is in blue.


Someone else has a thought that I haven't thought of even being a issue. It has to do with another image program commanding file associations away from the O/S.


The image program I use is IrFanView which I like because it is very small, loads fast, easy to use and it's far better than M$ PhotoEditor for JPEG's (very dated) and Media Player for MPEG's!


I also use ThumbsPlus for my main slide show, photo editor, but I have ALWAYS had this on my boxes. The IrFanView is somewhat new and I do have these file associations associated with this program (jpeg's and bmp's especially) BUT I have had this for sometime and this problem didn't happen right after I installed the program.


Unless something got corrupted down the road, but that is a long shot. I guess I could try to re-change the file accociations back to M$.

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Well I guess that leaves me out since I don't have a web or FTP site!
I guess so, but it's easy to get one. There's free hosts and or Readyhosting.com which I think is the best commerical host for the buck it's 100 dollars a year.
CNEThas a great website that lists comparisons of hosts.

Someone else has a thought that I haven't thought of even being a issue. It has to do with another image program commanding file associations away from the O/S.
Nope that's not the problem, I'm sure it was an OS issue, because the preview pane isn't just for a particular file type it's for all sorts of files. The preview pane isn't related to file associations. I have .AVIs associated with DivX Player 2.0 Alpha, and the preview pane still previews in Windows Media Player

The image program I use is IrFanView which I like because it is very small, loads fast, easy to use and it's far better than M$ PhotoEditor for JPEG's (very dated) and Media Player for MPEG's!

I have both of these programs installed and I know that it not the problem.

I also use ThumbsPlus for my main slide show, photo editor, but I have ALWAYS had this on my boxes. The IrFanView is somewhat new and I do have these file associations associated with this program (jpeg's and bmp's especially) BUT I have had this for sometime and this problem didn't happen right after I installed the program.

I don't have ThumbsPlus, but I really think this is just an OS and User error that disabled things.

Unless something got corrupted down the road, but that is a long shot. I guess I could try to re-change the file accociations back to M$.

I wouldn't even waste my time with the file associations I don't believe the two are related at all, previews are handled by IE and the shell, the preview pane is definetly IE/Explorer. Have you tried searching microsoft's knowledge base you could probably find the answer there. If you can't find the answer there you might check their FAQ or something.

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I downloaded and installed IE 6 with the update after that.


Nothing different, didn't fix anything, still no left pane!

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Sorry VideoBruce that sounds like you increased your issues not lowered them. IE6 isn't stable enough yet for my PC. Until there's an IE7 I'll go ahead and stick with IE 5.5. I'll let everyone else test IE6 for Microsoft.


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Just an FYI Internet Exploiter is always running, because it's components are being used every time you view folder in my computer or Explorer.


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