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Win DVD Sound Very Quiet

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I am running a copy of WinDVD 3.2 and i have a 4 speaker setup but windvd insists in putting it in 3d sound meaning it runs very quietly any ideas

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Have you checked your system volume? go into your volumes option and have it show all devices 9line in / mic / etc) and make sure they are all turned to the max if anything to see if that halps.


Also make sure the volume slider on WinDVD is turned up.

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yep done that all ready all are at max

i think what it is is the fact that it is in 4 speaker mode and that enables 3d sound which makes most of the sound come out of the front speakers but even that is quiet


im thinking if i buy one of thoes dual line in jacks and set windvd to 2 speaker mode it might work ok

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yeah made sure all those are turned up, for mst of the time they are almost at their maximum which they shouldnt be



i have recently learned that the line in jack and the rear speaker jack are shared which means i cant seem to get 4 speakers in stereo i was thinking of getting a dual front speaker jack and plugging in the rear and front speakers into the front speaker jack and configuring windvd to 2 speakers only and hopefully the sound will work evenly on all speakers

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If i was you, i would try something like powerdvd just to make sure the sound problem lies in WinDVD, have you also checked that your speaker are set to 4 in the sounds and audio devices panel?

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i have made sure the speakers are set to 4 ill try another dvd program but i really think its because the soundcards rear speaker and line in jack are shared which is causing the problem

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