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My InstallShield has an attitude problem

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OK, what's going on here, could someone explain. When I first tried to install Thief 2 and now Acrobat Reader 5.0 the InstallShield does come up, starts the installation up to 99% readiness and the crashes/closes. I've waited quite a while; with Thief2 as long as 15 minutes and with AR 5minutes without any progress. Norton Utilities claims everything ís OK when it obviously is not. ;(

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Empty out all your temp files, both in IE and in your normal directories (you can use the "cleanup" wizard to help you do this). You are more than likely getting this issue because you have a large amount of files in those temp directories.

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Still no luck. I can't remove all the temp-files since they are essential, but there are approx. 21 MBs worth of Java zips left. Should I remove these as well? Last time I erased them, the whole system freaked out.

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Well, they shouldn't be an issue since the point of the temp directory is that its contents are to be temporary. But what you describe is a classic issue and the first (and only) thing I do is clear out the temp files when I see it.

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Still no luck. I can't remove all the temp-files since they are essential, but there are approx. 21 MBs worth of Java zips left. Should I remove these as well? Last time I erased them, the whole system freaked out.

Asa clutch said, temp file are just that "temp" files and can all be deleted.

Reboot your comp, then manually go in and delete the files. - Unless you save downloads into your temp folder?

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Sorry guys, didn't work now either.

I'm also a person who doesn't want anything extra on the HD, so I often use the G-Lock Temp Cleaner and jv16 Powertools (expanded RegCleaner) to 'take out the trash'. I also try to be conservative on using them, meaning removing stuff I know is safe to remove. But this time it simply doesn't work.

I'm beginning to think my system files could be fragmented or that the partitions are screwed. I've reinstalled Win2kPro , repaired it automatically and manually, defragmented the disk, ran Norton Utilities and the same probs still ocur- InstallShield works if it wants to, slow start and occasional malfuntions with larger apps (such as F-Secure;yikes). I'm beginning to think of fromating the whole HD if this keeps happening. I mean the harware and memory capacity is more than adequate, so it can't be that.

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