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Good eBay auction for those who want 2000 MCSE

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Sorry for the plug, but I've had my 2000 MCSE books up for sale on eBay for a few days. Auction ends in about 9 hours. I'm selling them under my wife's eBay ID.


Here's the link:




I'm selling 7 books (4 Microsoft core plus 3 others) with CDs. Only one book is missing a CD, and if I find the CD I will ship it to the winning bidder at no extra charge.


I used these books to gain my MCSE 2000 certification last November, so I'm "giving back to the community" so to speak... for a price, of course smile I paid $315 for those books!





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And now I will move this post to the "For Sale" area, as that would be most appropriate, don't you think?

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Gee, I looked for this forum and I didn't see it. I'm blind, it's a wonder I could read the books after all!


Thanks, clutch... sorry about that smile



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