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A Script / program that will..................

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Hey all


Does anyone know of a script or program that can be purchased, or downloaded that will run on a person computer from a web site/ address, with their consent of course that will tell me their system specs?


basically i do tech support, and many people have NO clue where to find this info, or they lie about it.


So is there a script (php or something) or a program that will scan a users computer and be able to tell me:



CPU speed / make

Vid card make

Sound card make

Memory installed

Hard drives

Monitor Res.

Possibly Modem or NIC cards

DirectX version


and even a bonus - items that start on start up that are in the system tray - this would be a bonus. - or even just ALL programs installed on that computer.


I am more worried about the technical specs then anything...



any info is appreciated.

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How many systems are you talking about? I do that very same thing with SMS in a couple of different queries, although you can create a single one to return all that info at once. However SMS is pretty expensive and requires a SQL Server license as well.

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AIDA32 would be a good program for that. It also has a "server" mode, so you can connect to it remotely and view the stats of the server. I haven't used it for that, but I think you should be able to do what you're asking...

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What i need exaclty is for our customers.


Basically we aer trying to implement a support system were people go to a web site, and put in the info, instead of just emailing something in. SO


basically wanted it so the customer could click a link, and it will scan their computer, and tell them(in an IE window, or something) their computer specs, which can then be sent to us via email...


it seems 3dmark has something like what i need:





now just wondering if there are other companies that make something like this?


Can AIDA32 do that or?? Just be ncie to have some options..

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We were using this program at our last job that would audit machines, and send us the report, but only over if they were on the lan, we were working on a version to use with dial up, but I am not sure if that is what you need it for

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AIDA32 is pretty much an advanced version of the SysInfo tool. And like I said, you can set it up for remote access, though you would have to install it on each machine. It's also free (I think corporate use requires free registration), so it definitely wouldn't hurt to check it out...

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that the thing, it would be kew if it work like 3dmarks prgoram, it simply uses an ActiveX control i assume, and tadda! the user really does not install a whole program, which i KNOW our customer would not do, as opposed to simply accepting a security warning.


the problem with 3dmarks - it is a service they provide, it runs on their servers and all that, so u have very little control over it, and basically all customers that use it, their info is sent to 3dmark for their needs, what ever it maybe.


If that 3dmark program could simply be bought and u run by yourself of your servers///, that would be idealy what i need.



Check it out, it will baically give you an idea of EXACTLY what i need - minus the fact it has to run through 3dmarks servers frown

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belarc advisor outputs a file in html but it needs to be installed on the pc once it installs it automaticly creates the file and opens IE which can then be saved and emailed.


it shows all programs installed as well as hot fixes, PID numbers, all hardware and printers and network shares oh and its FREE






hope this helps

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thas kew, i shall check them out, perhaps even email them to see if they plan on doing what 3dmark has or if it is possible,

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