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Which reg file(s) control the "look" of XP?

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Ok so when I reinstall XP, I have to spend ages getting the look back to how I want it from the default. You know, colour scheme, all the menu bars in explorer / outlook, text style & size, etc, ect. I was wondering if there were a few reg files in my current instal that I could save and reinstate to do this easier?

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I think what you're looking for is your user profile. Your user profile directory is accessible using the following environment variable: %userprofile%. Go to a command prompt and type "echo %userprofile%" and your user profile directory will print. The file settings and transfer wizard will allow you to back up your profile, which is the easiest way. To copy back your profile manually, it's a little more complicated, and I'd rather not explain it right now.


Good luck,


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