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Win 2000 High Memory Usage and Poor Performance

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I have got a problem with a windows 2000 machine i have built:


When the computer is first turned on and task manager is opened when the performance tag is opened the memory usage meter is running fairly high. The system has 128Mb DDR ram and the used memory is 124 ish! but no programs are running and there does not seem to be many applications running in the background.


The next problem is the mouse, it is a Logitech cordless mouse, and when the mouse cursor is moved over the desktop and / or when the start menu is opened etc the mouse cursor freezes, its like it crashed temporarily then carries on again (the battery power in the mouse is good)


Finally the computer seems to reboot itself when surfing the internet or carrying out processor intensive tasks like installing programs etc and also generally crashes. The system specs are below



AMD Athlon XP 1600

128Mb DDR 2100 Ram

MSI Motherboard

Voodoo 3 3000 AGP Graphics card

SB Live Player 1024

Maxtor 40GB 7200 rpm Hard Disk

Logitch Cordless Mouse


Could the problem be memory related? could the mouse drivers be incorrect or not installed properly?? i have no idea lol


ALSO Running Windows 2000 with SP3

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First of all 128MB RAM isnt really a decent amount of ram for Windows 2000 so you can expect it to be high usage. Secondly have you checked your Temps on the cpu?


A high temp could be casuing the restarting/crashing problem you have.

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hey again!


The system is built around a full ATX tower case which gets really hot for some reason i have added a fan to the case today to see if that gets rid of some of the heat, the guy is thinking of up[censored] to 256 soon


is that almost definaytely the problem?? or is there anything else i can try??


i have tried incresing the page file memory slightly

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For the high mem usage i would say that is the reason but i wouldnt be too shure about the overheating. My xp1800 would crash or restart some times but this cpu was getting over 65C.

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65! Whoah, With a decent heatsink and fan you should be at the most getting in the mid 50's. What's your room temp like?


Mine hangs around the lower 50's and my room temp is like mid 70's.


Athlon XP 2000+


This is with an Alpha PAL heatsink/fan.

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ok ill advise that this guy upgrades to 256 ill monitor the cpu temperature and see what it is, so what should the temperature be approximately??

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Yup, just checked my Temp and it's hanging around 53C. I've just been doing desktop stuff for the past couple of hours and my computer has been on for..heck...I dunno around 30hours without a reboot.


It bumps up to around 56-57 under heavy load.

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I had a problem with my old fan, it was running at 4500rpm instead of 6000 for sum reason but i replaced with a 70mm 4800rpm hsf which i am getting tops of 48C when when running the comp for 2days running unreal tournament mostly thru that time. Plus i bought my aluminium case which helps a large amount which i wasnt really expecting it to at first. smile

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