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For heavy internet and games which is better WinXP/Win2k?

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i guess winxp is better for te games, because, in comparison with win2k, the compatibility is better, much better,, but i can't tell u about the internet...dunno what to say about it ;(

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well I havent used win2k since sp1 so I did not know if the games compatibility improved

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Win2k all the way. it's just winxp without the pretty colors and the resource hogging crap you don't need.

I've used both and much prefer 2K over XP.



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XP is FAR more compatible then 2k, even with sp3


Go Xp if you got more then 128 mb of memory and just like 2k, u can turn off alot of services u don't need. XP is also a more stable, for me, then 2k - XP running idol after boot up uses 88mb of mem on my system (see work comp - pIII 933)


a while back i put 2k back in a, and i hoestly B.S.O.D it 7 times in less then an hour. - i dunno what was up - put XP back in, no problems. - not to mention various games would not work in 2k, and yet they did work under XP.


Also, for the internet, don't matter, that is more for browsers (or is that what u meant?) IE is all good, Mozilla is worth a try though, it is nice, although me personaly have not seen the gain in speed that some on here say.

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well I have 512 megs PC2100.


What services can I turn off under winxp?

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I am not sure exactly, but i know a few people here have posted links to sites and that


maybe do a serarch under


Xp services



May bring something up.

Although with a system like yours, you would not notice a lag. i don't turn off any services and my comp boots up in less then a min.

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mine boots up fine. I notice lag as I use it or if it has been idle for a long while

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Stop posting in multiple forums pr-man. This is what the GENERAL and/or OTHER forums are for. If you cannot learn the difference then I'll just start deleting posts..... smile

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I don't think theres much of a difference... I used Win2k when it came out for about a year and a half, then when XP came out I got that and have been using it now for almost a year... I do lots of internet, and lots of games... I never seemed to have very many problems with either. They both work quite well. I guess most of the time its just a matter of opinion. Which ever you like better I'd go with.


Good luck.

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Well I have heard some people say that win2k runs alot smoother and is slightly more stable, and then some people say that games are much faster on winxp than win2k. Sigh no definitive answer smile

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As I have said before, if you must buy one, buy WinXP, as it will be supported longer. If you already have both, then it's really a toss up. IMO, you really can't go wrong with either.

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Well, try highlighting it with the mouse cursor, that should invert the text color, possibly making it easier to read... Not my site... Actually, the site owner was on TechTV's Screen Savers about 2 months ago.

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Ok well question. If win2k and winxp are the same kernel with different skins essentially. Then why would support for win2k fall off? I mean shouldnt drivers and programs for XP work the same on win2k?

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What I meant was offical MS support, and it can vary from case to case on backwards compatiblilty. My understanding is that 2k/XP is not the same code, but very similar.

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for games, i would say xp all the way, not all games, but ALOT of games (especially older ones) run better and faster on xp.


case in point gta2 ran ALOT faster on my friends winme box with a 500 mhz processor and 128 meg of mem than it did on my 1 gigger with 512 mem on win2k...


but now that my old 2k box is xp, it runs blazingly fast.


if you play alot of games, XP is well worth it, even if it does eat a few more resources.


BTW, all the programmers at my work that are transitioning from 2k to xp say there are substantial differences in how 2k and xp treat programs that are running. I don't really understand what they are saying specifically... but i'll try to break it down as best i understand.


2k is more like a proof of concept OS, they threw it out and said lets give this a try, 2k maybe an NT OS but it isnt like any other OS internally before it.

a revolutionary jump rather than evolutionary...


XP is based off of the same Kernal as 2k, but it is NOT the same kernel.

XP is not just a cosmetic change, MS went back and said... "ok, here is what we did wrong, lets optimize this and take it to the next level".


hence better game performance and other whatnots.


Alot of drivers that are win2k and xp compatibile is because it is rather easy with these two OS's to have slightly different code in the driver package for either OS.


programs that were specifically tailored to run on win2k however sometimes need some redesign to work on xp, they are different enough to cause some difficulties for SOME programs and programmers... at least that what my programmers here at work claim.


anyway, i ramble too much.

for home use AKA games and internet, XP definately.

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MS went back and said... "ok, here is what we did wrong, lets optimize this and take it to the next level".

I thought that was the general idea behind service packs?! Well, bugfixes, at least.

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MS went back and said... "ok, here is what we did wrong, lets optimize this and take it to the next level".

I thought that was the general idea behind service packs?! Well, bugfixes, at least.

Service packs rarely optimize and MS got out of adding features via them a while ago (at least officially.) So, for the most part tweaked is correct on that statement.

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YES! i made it to senior member status with a minimal of fluff posts (besides this one)



(dancing in circles at work getting wierd looks from other techs)


sorry, i just had a moment there...

end of silliness.


please resume normal technical support procedures... laugh


Oh, and in case if anyone has noticed my funky typing is cause i am dyslexic and stopped caring along time ago about my rampant typo's.




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