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copying on ntfs

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i am not sure which product can do it,

but my requirement is to copy files from 1 ntfs partition to another without losing all its ntfs permissions and sharing permissions.

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I didn't see anything about it not supporting partitions, so I went ahead and tried it on my workstation and it works fine. The only "quirk" about it is that when I went from "D:\test" and copied that to "E:\", it only copied the *contents* of the test folder and not the folder itself. However, if you make a folder on the new partition and copy to that, it will not only copy over the contents but it will apply the ACLs from your source directory to the target directory.


So, the command looked like this:


C:\Documents and Settings\clutch>xcopy d:\test "e:\new folder" /e /k /o


And resulted in this:


D:\test\test.txtD:\test\tada\New Text Document.txt2 File(s) copied


It then changed the ACLs on "E:\new folder" to match those of "D:\test", and the subdirectories of "tada" and "another test" were both copied and retained their own ACLs (which had inheritance removed, as you tend to see that in larger deployments). So, was this what you were looking for? It also worked when I copied from D:\ to C:\, where D:\ is the first partition of a 100GB ATA drive and C:\ is the 70GB partition of a RAID 0 SCSI stripe set.

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