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Nvidia 41.03 exist and fix bugs from whql version

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Here is the news (in french) about this driver.




In two words, it say that this drivers can't be d/l on nvidia web-site. This drivers fix lot of bugs from the last WHQL version. Here is a direct download link:




Does you found problems with WHQL version? Does this new drivers realy fix it? Try and tell me. smile


Aragorn (trying the driver)

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The only problem I have had with the WHQL 40.73 (I think that's the right version number, I'm at work and cannot check) is with bad/missing textures in the Fellowship of the Ring demo.

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The only problem I have had with the WHQL 40.73 (I think that's the right version number, I'm at work and cannot check) is with bad/missing textures in the Fellowship of the Ring demo.

The 41.03 appear to fix this problem. The screwy textures are gone.

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i have a problem with VS.net with the 40.72 whql drivers

however it is very small

sometimes when i maximise the IDE it puts a weird window outline in the middle of the secondary monitor. it only happens a little and doesn't stick there so it is not a big deal at all. I will see if the new drivers fix that.

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these are Quadro drivers that ARE available off of the nvidia website.






they have a higher IQ and slower speed.

they have some minor problems with bf1942.

nvnews.net forums were all over em a few weeks ago when they came out. look here for a comparison page:



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