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Is this strange??

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I bought 2x 80GB Western digital Caviar SE 8MB Drives and put them on a raid controller on IDE1 (Striping), i then put my 80GB IBM on IDE2 (Striping) on the controller by itself.


I thought it would be faster to copy files around on the caviar drives but if i copy a 550MB file from my IBM -> WD drive it takes about 10seconds but if i copy from WD -> WD seperate partitions it takes more than double the time.


Then if i copy the file back to the IBM drive it takes about 10seconds again




Any ideas or is this normal??

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Copying from partition to partition is always slow because the drive has to read and then reposition the heads and then write and so forth. Puts a lot of load on the drive.


Hope that tells you what you wanted to know

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Yep... that's why i stick with a small partition for the O/S, a very big partition for all my video capture stuff, and another small partition for backups and image of my C drive.

you will notice this problem when you are using norton Ghost or winimage.

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Yeah i knew they worked like that, i was just wondeirng with it being 2 drives phisically but 1 drive to windows due to striping, so i thought it wud be faster as i wud be copying from 1 hdd to another really.

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Don't get me wrong. it is much faster when i'm capturing video in it's highest resolution it won't even blink on my video file. even if you have a socond HDD on your IDE1 and you are imaging from the Raid to a single HDD it is fast, but imaging from partition to partiton is not that impressive. (not that it is not faster but it is not as fast as you may expect it)

it does what i need it to do. even if you have 256 MB of ram and you have to use lots of virtual memory!!! (i'm waiting for the prices to come down a little more)

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lots of good information. idin't know that. Thanks a lot. wink

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