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Aravi Nemiji

Studying for MCP - Resources?

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I've commenced studying towards my MCP (for Win2k)


Are there any resources people think I should read up and will this book be sufficient.


MCSE Windows 2000 Accelerated Exam - Bryan Komar


It appears to only cover upgrading from WinNT to Win2K certs (doing Win2K from scratch), but my Dad thinks it should be enough (and probably doesn't want to fork out for the full set).

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Right now a comprehensive resource on unattended installation text files would be incredibly useful.


TechNet has some stuff, but its all mixed in with case studies and the like.


Also, is there an option to basically tell the installer "Don't touch the master boot sector"? Would save me the trouble of reinstalling GRUB.

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If you check in the deploy.cab and support.cab on your Windows 2000 CD, you'll find some documentation on creating an SIF (setup information file) that will basically be unattended. Once you get that down, If you have 2000 Server, set up RIS, that's fun to learn. If you don't have 2000 Server, you can probably still order a 120 day trial from Microsoft for $9.99 or so.

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