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Installation Footprint Size

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Hi I am not sure if this is the right forum for this post but here goes


I am currently trying to do a tiny windows 2000 install and since I did not want to go embedded need some pointers.


Smallest I can get so far is 330mb for winnt system folder but i need to get it smaller for example if i want to put it on a 512 cf card i need space for paging file and programs so with 256 of mem this raises the insatll size to around 600mg plus space for programs which means it will not fit. I would like to get the install footprint down to 200mb if possible so with paging at 256 it leaves about 50 mg for apps


Has anyone done this before and if so how small did you get it and what did you do to get it that small. I have already seen the tech article on MS on reducing foortprint size but its still not small enough.


All help is appreciated

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