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Perfctrs error in application log. What the hell does this m

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Unable to read IO control information from NBT device.


Thats what it says. I get this error on my bp6, thought it was just some error having to do with my hpt66 controller but i installed win2k on my friends gateway which most likely has an intel se440bx mobo and i still get the error. this is win2k 2183 anyone have any info. This error doesnt have any adverse effects. No slowdown or any other strange behavior but occurs about every hour and there is a list of about 150 occurences in my app. log.

Thats all hope someone can help..

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Well, now you have me looking.... I hadn't looked at my Event log in ages!


I got adventurous yesterday and overclocked my Celery466 to 525MHz. I've got a CPU eater (a Prime number generator) running that keeps the CPU pegged at 100% and it should finish on Jan 23, 2000. (heh) I've also got a temp monitor that shows the CPU temp hovering around 39 degrees C. (Intel says these suckers can handle up to 85 degrees C). Anyway, I hadn't seen any bad things happen and actually have seen a slight performance boost. That is... until you got me to look at my Event log. OOOOOHHHH! The Atapi ide0 port is timing out every 30 seconds for 5 minutes after I boot. So what does it mean? Heck if I know. The machine still runs and no spurious reboots.


So concerning your message... Do you have any idea what the NBT device is? What's under "Source" for the error (mine was atapi)?


Just my thoughts....



J. Byron Todd

Computer Consultant


Todd Computer Solutions

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beats me what device nbt is. My machine works fine I have completed 765 hours of seti on it. I know it is stable. Oh well just curious

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