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Opera 7 Cache location... how to change it?

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Guys, Help!

I remember in older Opera builds, there was a file you could go to in the Opera folder (I think) where you could alter WHERE Opera caches its diskcache files to...

(Trying to move it to my Cenatek RamDrive, & cannot find the file anymore,

Look at the Opera6.ini and the OperaDef6.ini files in the Opera7 directory. I think that may be what you're talking about.


memory is going bad in my old age I guess!)


Tell me about it wink

PS: Although promising, I still think that v7 is still 'not quite ready for prime time'.

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P.S.=> I found an entry called CACHE DISK = C for older Opera versions (which was online & found by searching "Opera" and "Cache" in Google) & inserted it into the [uSER PREFS] section of the OperaDef6.ini file & created an Opera.ini file, now whether this actually WORKS on the latest Opera7 is my only question now at this point... apk

Yes that might work.

I wasn'tt exactly sure what cache you're referring to. I thought the line
'Cache Directory4=C:\Program Files\Opera7\Cache4' in the Opera6.ini
file were what you wanted. I'm sure that some other stuff is also kept in
the TEMP file, and, you know that all your shortcuts are kept in the Opera6.adr file

To capture all of the user info in 6.05 I back up Opera6.adr, cookies4.dat,
Opera6.ini, autopera.win, & opera.win . This includes the registration info.

When v7 installed, it pretty much copied all of those files. Somewhere I
remember seeing that V7 was now storing info in the individual user profile so
you might try looking there.

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Jim thanks!


P.S.=> Between a custom hosts file I use that is near 500++ k in size with tons of entries to blow out banners & also the ability to block popups, Mozilla & Opera are superior to IE in that respect by far! Moving my diskcaches for them to the CENATEK RamDrive 2gb board I have now makes them perform EXTREMELY fast with a CableModem connection... I am pleased so far with what I see in them both! apk

Glad to here it's working. I was about to send you a copy of my ini.

Right now Opera 6.05 is still a lot faster than 7, but, 7 is obviously going to be real useable before long. Mozilla is another matter. while I use IE, Mozilla, and Opera in testing web design, I've really been very disapointed in mozilla. I thought for a long time that it was really going to be the greatest, but, although it's pretty fast, it still ended up being way too bloated. Also, I don't like Netscrape much more than I like M$. For service duty, I'm sticking with Opera.

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