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mapped drive user name

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I am trying to get windows 2000 to prompt me for a username and password on a mapped drive everytime the machine is rebooted. The default is for windows to remember the username and just ask for a password. Does anybody know how to get Windows 2000 to prompt for both?

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I am seeing this as one of two things


1. Multiple user profiles would make this easier if you want to regulate drive mappings.


2. Have you tried using logon and if neccessary log off scripts using either NET USE to build a mapping and NET USE /D to remove it. I imagine by asking it to rebuild the shares after a deletion that you need to fully authenticate username and password. Try batch files !


No way to test though. I am outta the office until Jan 2.

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I am trying to get windows 2000 to prompt me for a username and password on a mapped drive everytime the machine is rebooted. The default is for windows to remember the username and just ask for a password. Does anybody know how to get Windows 2000 to prompt for both?

Xteq (http://www.xteq.com/) gives a setting for 'remember last user name' inside login window' I'm sure that there's a setting in the registry that this is setting, but, I don't have it right away.

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