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Yo listen up TNT Users!

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Custom TNT Driver to Play Games Wednesday, 02:18pm CDT

Warning: the following driver is custom-made and may cause unexpected results. The driver is a combination of nVidia's 3.53 drivers and 3.65 drivers. The results were amazing for a couple of people running 3D games such as Quake 3 and Unreal Tournament. However, I can not guarantee anything. Therefore, please use the following driver at your own risk. (The test system was on Windows 2000 Professional with Diamond's Viper 550.) http://www.betaos.com/ http://www.betaos.com/drivers/Tempvid.zip


Haven't tried yet, about to install them soon!

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Just tried them out. They work here. I have an Asus V3800 (TNT2).


Only tested Q3 and the performance is the same. ~40 FPS @ 1024x768 32-bit.


Now if Asus would get off their a$$ and make some drivers for all the added stuff on this card that would be nice. Want to try out this TV-OUT port.


[This message has been edited by ADX (edited 30 December 1999).]

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I want to check my TV-out too on my Asus V6600 Deluxe, but no drivers frown.gif

Not even for NT - which the box promises. I hate that.

Can I get my money back then? I would like to try it just to piss them off so that the next time they release a card with lots of propaganda on the box, the drivers will be there too.

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I am using these drivers right now, even though I never downloaded them I just made them myself not even knowing they were around. They work great for me and it is nice to finally have working OpenGL support.

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I use them not because.. I am a cowardly bastard, and I have an older set of hacked drivers that were floating on #efnet, which seem to work pretty good.







Just once, I'd like to see an elementary particle physicist use *ZOT* when referring to accelerator operations. Is that too much to ask?

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