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Shutdown --> Saves Settings --> Freezes --> Unplug

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Out of the blue one day, my computer started to freeze when shutting down/restarting. Windows closes programs ok, goes into the saving setting screen fine, then when it gets to the point where on screen dialog goes away (The one that says saving setting etc..) the computer just stops. Everything freezes. It does this "everytime". I "HAVE" to unplug it. My hard drive is probably hating me right now. I didn't install any programs or change any settings (Work computer)


Are there any "shutdown" files that might have gone corrupt? Or maybe a setting in the registry? Doesn't seem like a real hard thing to trace for you experts =D


Like I said, eveything works fine until that very sec where it would either restart or turn itself off. Helpppp!

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Out of the blue one day, my computer started to freeze when shutting down/restarting. Windows closes programs ok, goes into the saving setting screen fine, then when it gets to the point where on screen dialog goes away (The one that says saving setting etc..) the computer just stops. Everything freezes. It does this "everytime". I "HAVE" to unplug it. My hard drive is probably hating me right now. I didn't install any programs or change any settings (Work computer)

Are there any "shutdown" files that might have gone corrupt? Or maybe a setting in the registry? Doesn't seem like a real hard thing to trace for you experts =D

Like I said, eveything works fine until that very sec where it would either restart or turn itself off. Helpppp!

Have you run chkdsk?
What OS are you running?
is your disk formatted fat32 or NTFS ?

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Running Win2K Pro Sp3 (Downloaded all available updates)


File system on C: is Fat32 (NTFS on the others)



Is there any place I can have the shutdown routine saved to a .log file? Maybe through a debug method of some kind? I tested a spare hard drive with a fresh copy of windows and the problem isn't there, so I know it's not hardware related.


Does my computer do any kind of memory/kernel dump during the last part of a shutdown routine? This problem is driving me nuts, anyone have any idea's on this?

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Instead of unplugging, you could hold down your power button for 4-5 seconds. That will shut it off too.

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Event viewer is your friend! Check it!

Very true, but because windows is at the last stage of shutdown, the event viewer has nothing on it.

I did also notice that just before the computer freezes, the hard drive spins down and stops... as soon as that happens, boom.

Question: If I were to and "repair" my Win2k installation, would that overide all my current Win2k settings? In other words, will it do the same as a new install, or just repair damaged files. Never used that option before.

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from run box do a

sfc /scannow

have the original install media handy. Then for giggles reinstall SP 3 after just to be sure.

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The problem is on multiple Dell Demension computers all running Windows 2000 SP3 with the latest updates. I've tried reinstalling from scratch without success. The computers simply go to log off or shutdown and then hang. The hard drive is completely done writting and accessing, but it does not complete the process. I believe the problem orginates from either SP3 or one of the Microsoft Windows updates. There is no info in the MS knowledge base about this issue though. I have closed down all available processing threads and the problem still exists. I have tried up[censored] all the hardware with the latest drivers, direct from the manufacturer without success. I desperately want a solution to this one, but I feel it will be another MS issue that magically works after SP4 is installed. Event viewer and such is not helpful because this occurs after the computer stops recording info. One thing I've noticed is that running a chkdsk will sometimes fix the problem temporarily even though it finds nothing wrong with the drive.


Any thoughts????

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