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ftp on RP114 Netgear Router

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I just purchased a netgear RP114 router and i am wondering how i can set it up so that i can have an ftp on my computer? i dont have much knowledge on these things.

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Map ports 20 and 21 to the machine that will be hosting the FTP services.


... not so sure about 20 though (the actual payload goes through that one, but the commands you issue run through 21 .. IIRC)


This can be done through the Web interface.



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interesting interface ... let me make a few corrections


Start Port - End Port - IP

1. 20 - 20 -

2. 21 - 21 -



You also might wish to uncheck the "respond to ping on internet wan port" as it increases your "stealth" as no one will be able to PING you. Though if you need it for diagnostics, by all means, leave it on.

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Ok when i set it to use the port 21 as u said asnd also port 20, after about 10- 20 mins the router cuts the internet connection, i am puzzled why it does this?

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Am I correct to understand that once you OPENED and MAPPED ports 20 and 21 from the ROUTER to your MACHINE, that your ENTIRE Internet access goes under??? After a period of 10 minutes??


Well let me give you a few things ...


1. Upgrade the firmware for your router. I have found that fixes/updates are quite popular for SOHO broadband devices.


2. Does your ISP monitor outbound traffic? To explain, several ISPs in my area have 2 rates ... Business and Home. They differeniate between the 2 by bandwidth as well as protocols being used on the OUTBOUND (such as FTP, SMTP, NNTP, and the such) Also when discovered, I have had several SOHO users *bumped* when using business protocols on the OUTBOUND. They use SNMP as well as RMON on their end to monitor this for those who are curious.


This isnt to alarm you, just make you aware.


3. Try just using port 21 ... i know on several cisco 650 routers that use CBOS (not IOS), I had to configure both ports 20 and 21. On my DLINK at home, I just needed 21.


4. Whatcha using for ftp hosting? IIS, PWS, Serv-U FTP, IP Switch FTP, etc ???


Anyone else wish to chime in on this one? laugh

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Its ok now, i found that somehow the internet IP address was wrong even though it was previously correct, i dont know if maybe my IP changes at any time but it should not.

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