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Tried a NEW AntiVirus program today: It's Good!

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I tried the Free one from AVG, & it is pretty good stuff (as well as being up to date)!

* It seems to do the job!


(Anyone else give this one a shot? If so, what do you think??)


P.S.=> Occasionally, I like to try other programs... Big Norton AntiVirus "fan" (actually, long time user unwilling to experiment) over time since the early 90's... but this AVG one's alright! apk

Right now I'm running NAV, but, I've run AVG in the past, and, it wasn't bad at all. Actually I've recomended it to a number of people who couldn't or wouldn't afford to keep up with NAV's subscriptions. Also, I understand that AVG is quite highly regarded in Europe.

you might also like to try AntiVir http://www.free-av.com/
That's pretty good too


avast! http://www.avast.com/
I thought that, from a security point of view, avast! was very good, but very invasive. Kind of like a schoolmaster rapping your knuckles, if you step out of line. ;(

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i had a friend install this cause she got a virus, she kept it up to date and running and 3 days ago got another virus.


SO not to trusting of it right now, i used it about a year ago and liked it, considering it was free.

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I used to use AVG at my old job, since the company wasn't licensed to install NAV on customer computers... But some minor complaints are that it doesn't easily identify which file(s) are infected or by which virus, unless you dig thru the log... This may have been fixed, as the version that I used was probably about a year old.

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I tried the Free one from AVG, & it is pretty good stuff (as well as being up to date)!

* It seems to do the job!


(Anyone else give this one a shot? If so, what do you think??)


P.S.=> Occasionally, I like to try other programs... Big Norton AntiVirus "fan" (actually, long time user unwilling to experiment) over time since the early 90's... but this AVG one's alright! apk
I simply love AVG. I have had Norton (big resoure hog), but AVG does a great job. I wouldn't switch even if Nortons was free. I've also used McAfee. Still no comparison.

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