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Teles S0/16 ISA and win2k ?!?!

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Hi !


Is it possible to run Windows 2000 with the Teles S0/16 ISA Card ??? (the beta drivers don´t work i think [on this card]) any experiences ?!?!


c ya Snoop

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i curently use teles ISA 16.3/pnp and it works wierd with 3.36 beta drivers (upstream is very very very slow or non working , downstream works superb and i have problems with dialup reseting my machine on some occasions). Some other pplz have no trouble what so ever with non pnp teles cards so i guess wait for final set of drivers to be released before upgrading to win2k

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Originally posted by Aphid:

i curently use teles ISA 16.3/pnp and it works wierd with 3.36 beta drivers (upstream Some other pplz have no trouble what so ever with non pnp teles cards so i guess wait for final set of drivers to be released before upgrading to win2k

Hi ! Sorry .. i forgot to say that i have the S0/16.0 <- Card .... This Card isn not supportet by the Beta DRiver ... I THINK ... or is it possible to run it ???

c ya Snoop

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