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ThC 129

AGP Texture accleration broken again

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ok now this is getting me pissed. This is the 2nd time ive had to format in 2 months due to the same f-ing problem. After some period of time AGP Texture acceleration just stops working. The only drivers i can get it working with are the 30.80 drivers which are ungodly slow compared to the 41.09 drivers which were working fine, but now don't anymore.


I was wondering if anyone else has seen a problem like this before or not? Im really getting annoyed this never happened before but ever since i put this new video card in i have had this problem. Im going to find the cause of this problem and report it here.


I don't want to have to format again but it seems that this is the only choice i have left since i can't use the 30.80 drivers since they suck.

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i think it has something to due with DX9, both times i put that program on my box it has crashed my AGP Texture accel. So it seems that DX9 or drivers still have a ways to come.



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yeah it might but in my eyes it is much better to have compatability and stability than it is to have nice features. How good is your API if it doesnt work.

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yeah it might but in my eyes it is much better to have compatability and stability than it is to have nice features.

I totally agree, and I usually use that statement when others decide to build an AMD/VIA-based server...

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