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XP home, Nero, EAC and wnaspi32 = headache

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I know that this was discussed here but I cannot find the thread.

To be fair, my problem is slightly different from the ones discussed. Here goes:

I have downloaded the Nero wnaspi32.dll because EAC does not start .

*edit* I see that my Nero Folder has the very same version file in it (bleh) I get 'Unhandled exception...at ASPI32.506 ->INDEX-RANGE'

I saw someone say that they just placed the new file in EAC directory and that worked. Well I tried that, also replaced the original wnaspi32 file in system32, to no avail.

Can someone remedy this, please.

All help gratefully accepted.


ps. Hello (this is my first post) laugh

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You could try to copy the aspi layer to the folder which EAC is installed, but I personally recommend that you use CDex.


Welcome to the forums!

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install the Adaptec Windows XP drivers. Make sure that you follow the instructions in the readme. If you do not the ASPI drivers will not work.


then copy this into a .reg file and exec it


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Aspi32]"ErrorControl"=dword:00000001"Type"=dword:00000001"Start"=dword:00000002[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Aspi32\Parameters]"ExcludeMiniports"=""

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