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NAV Signature updates - WHY BOTHER??

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Symantec release updated defs EVERY DAY! Why bother reporting this? You may as well report that the sun came up every morning...


Please, stop reporting this and stop wasting valuable front page space.

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Also, I've always thought that to keep a system well-protected, there are really three things that must be frequently updated to address security:

1. The OS

2. Anti-Virus Package

3. Firewall (Software or Firmware for hardware firewalls)

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(I figure it this way: The less folks that pass them around, the less chance I have of snagging one myself... hopefully!)

I agree, and I didn't mean to try and put anyone down or anything of that nature; Hopefully I didn't come across as such...
Anyway, as you stated, the NT Compatible homepage gets many hits daily from people who don't happen to come to the forums, as well, I'm sure, and it's nice to have all the updates, news, links, etc. in one spot... I used to surf 3-4 pages to get my daily tech news updates, now I'm just down to NTC and Slashdot...

Ok, I'm getting a bit OT here... Sorry!

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Plus, lately it's been every day to every 3 days, but it's not consistently everyday...

Trust me... it's every day... I work very closely with Symantec and the Intelligent Updater is updated every day almost like clockwork. visit www.sarc.com for a week and you'll see what I mean..

I appreciate that idea behind "if we tell people they'll remember to update" and obviously the same applies to spyware/Trojan detector software, browser popup killers, etc. but it reads like a broken record..

I for one, do not run the auto-update service for it (saving CPU cycles for other tasks, nor taskschedulers period

I find it odd that you'd sacrifice security over a few CPU cycles. Totally your choice but when we're dealing with AV software, I'd happily have mine checking every hour for the cost of a few measly CPU cycles.

even if your subscription runs out after a year after you install it, you can still update it using this manually downloaded "intelligent updater" program

Actually, this doesn't work now with a lot of older versions of NAV (prior to and including vers. 6 from memory) since the def sets in all forms now are supposed to detect these old versions and fail to update them.

Anyway... my point was always that I certainly support keeping people vigilant, but for something like this which IS updated daily, I think it's a bit over the top. You may as well just create a popup window that once a week presents a reminder to:

1) Update AV products
2) Run Windows Update
3) Update Trojan/Spyware tools
4) Update your personal firewall software


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You are getting confused with the Live update updates and the Intelligent updaters.

We use NAV Corporate and our signatures are updated on a daily basis at midday without fail.

My local server goes off to get the updates daily at midday and then distributes them around the network over the next ten minutes - these are daily without fail.


That was the reason behind my original statement in the ongoing thread - as they are updated daily there seemed little point telling people this.

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You are getting confused with the Live update updates and the Intelligent updaters.
We use NAV Corporate and our signatures are updated on a daily basis at midday without fail.
My local server goes off to get the updates daily at midday and then distributes them around the network over the next ten minutes - these are daily without fail.

That was the reason behind my original statement in the ongoing thread - as they are updated daily there seemed little point telling people this.

You don't test them before push? You just trust that the Symantec DEFS are safe? :x

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