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NVIDIA sinking to a new low - again?

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NVIDIA & ATI sinking to a new low....?


from techSpot.com


My daily rant

by Per Hansson on Fri 14 Feb 2003, 8:01 AM

Yesterday I read this article on 3DMark03 over at [H]ard|OCP and today they have posted somewhat of a follow-up "Benchmarking Right". I have to say I agree with everything they have to say in there. Now, when I visited their site again later I found this:


NVIDIA has released the latest drivers, version 42.68 for all 3DMark03 testing and benchmarking. This driver will greatly improve your benchmark performance when running the 3DMark03. You can download the driver from this link. (File Size : 8.44MB) We received these drivers directly from NVIDIA, and it's available at their Press FTP.


I mean, is there anything more pointless to optimize your code for, hours of coding that could instead have been used to fix bugs and optimize the code for real games?!


Be sure to read the above articles and also Nvidias own words on how they feel about 3DMark (scroll down half a page) then post your comments right below.


UPDATE: I've read Nvidia's own lab report myself now and can thus confirm that the information posted at Hardware Extreme (linked above) is authentic. This information is however confidential so I can not give you the file, so don't even bother asking for it.[/list:u]

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^^^^ exactly! which is more or less aquest i have been on, every forum i see now, i see people always mentiongin their 3dmark score and how it should be better!


what i started on one place:



Mathiau S Feb 08, 2003, 02:35 AM Send Message - User Profile - Add Buddy




Hey all, yes i am failry new here, and this post may not make me many friends, but heck, it is driving me nuts!!!


From what i see, and not to be rude at all.......... FAR!!!! too many people on these forums judge their cards by a score from a predujice app!(or i am simple miss reading their posts)


this app would be 3dmark!!! - almost every post i have read about a card - has mention of some 3dmark scores, and how the box said this and that and comapred to other systems i should have better scores blah blah, the box said i should have a million points!! the box don't mean jack - cause other things come into play


CPU / MEMORY/ HD speed / system resources when the test is run!


look at cold hard details, numbers from the manufactuers and people's REAL thoughts on the cards from their actual experience in use! not some number that can be altered at will.


You should NOT go buy 3dmark on how great your card is - put it to some REAL world tests and judge for yourself. Just cause your score says 10,000, but a box on the card says u should get 15,000 does not mean run out and buy a new card!!!


Your card is fine! there are FAR too many factors which affect a 3d mark score! run the test over and over about 10 times, and you will see your score get lower, and lower, and lower and lower! Use Quake 3, or UT demo to do testing, or some 3d rendering type stuff, the stuff that truely works your system.


All i ask, is ONLY! use 3dmark to get an IDEA of how your card is doing -BUT!!!! do NOT judge how good a card is simply on a 3d mark score!!!, that is just rediculous and unfair.


some quotes from some friends that i thought were well done"



to which i included some quotes from people here 9of course giving credit to them)

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