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XP recovery threat !?

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If the security threat posed from this article on the cleverest site around wink is true, then it is some serious breaching for the ITers:


There must be some other way to circumvent such a potential threat winksmile

Well, I've been saying for years now that W2K is superior to XP laughlaughlaugh

Incidentally, the Knoppix Linux CD will do the same thing wink

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another MS bug that couldve been prevented. I think this is just a scheme to get people to upgrade to different OSes as they come out. I mean hell a lot of these serious bugs that pop up are just retarded. Bugs are expected to pop-up but some of these serious ones are just plain assinine

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This is one of those things that can only partially be covered in software. A lock's not such a bad idea, but, It really comes down to the fact that a system which is physically accessible is no longer yours ;(

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One part of securing a system is to change the BIOS boot order to HDD first, and add a strong BIOS setup password... That would prevent against this.

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yeah, but for many that would be to easy to take such a simple step to secure their system, which should have be done already. smile

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