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Dark TFT problem....

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a friend of mine has a 15" CTX TFT monitor, recently the image on the screen has gone extremely dark (you can hardly see anything on the screen) in the monitor settings the contrast and brightness are turned up to full


what could be the problem?


the monitor is a CTX PV50 something not 100% sure of the model



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Sounds to me like the back-light has gone.

Time to call the manufacturer and arrange a replacement by the sounds of things.

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P.S one more thing, i have a 17" TFT monitor and i dont want the same thing happening to mine"!!! how does this problem occur??? is it one of those things that just happens??



thanks again

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It's unfortunately not something you can avoid - like a failing HD it isn't that common but does occasionally happen.

The problem used to be a lot worse, fail rates on TFT backlight's used to happen faily often.

Laptop's with early TFT displays also used to suffer from them.


If a backlight fails on an out of warranty unit then that is usually the end of it - you'd be looking at almost the price of a brand new TFT display just to have the backlight sorted out.


Don't let this put you off TFT's though, as I said above it doesn't happen all that often and it's just unfortunate that it has happened to your mate, but think of it this way - it had to happen to somebody smile

I'm hopefully purchasing a 17" Hitachi TFT within the next few weeks and apart from dead pixels (which again are not half as common as they used to be) the backlight is the only other thing that can really go wrong, but thankfully most are covered for three years.

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ok thanks for your help, just have to go and break the news to them now laugh thanks again for your help

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