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Has anyone experienced problems with the new VIA 4 in 1 drivers (4.45)?

I have a SOYO mobo with VIA KT133A chipset. After installing the driver all is fine until............I defrag the harddrive (with Diskeeper 7). I can install the driver, and use the computer for days. Then after the first defrag, bam, it wont reboot. It gets to the windows xp home start up screen and then the PC contiunously reboots. I tried a logged start up to see what was going on and it seem when the computer reads the 'MUP.SYS' file during the boot is when all goes "Tango Uniform". Anyone know if this is relavent. Even weirder, I have to reinstall XP, and when I do, the partition is gone! I am stumped. It doesnt do this with the previous VIA drivers (4.43). VIA is no help either. I wouldn't bother but the new 4.45s offer improved AGP support over the previous, VIA claims 20-30% increase over the previous ones.

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