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Hi, i dunno what app is causing this, but when i'm not doing anything on my Pc, i noticed that some app was writing something to the HDD (i saw that little red led flashing several times), so i opened the task manager and checked that there are two processes that start using CPU resources only when the system is supossed to be idle. These are the names of the processes: "cisdaemon.exe" and "cisvc.exe".

I know i'm viruses free, so i guess it's some app, and wonder if any of you knew that. (it's already bothering me)

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Hi El Vago,

I knew immediately what your problem was, because I've experienced it in the past and in fact just went through the same thing today. I installed a new HD and it's indexing all my old files that just happen to be on a new drive laugh. In the future please be sure to provide more details, for example you neglected to list your OS, Memory resident applications, and what hardware you have installed.


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Hi El Vago,
I knew immediately what your problem was, because I've experienced it in the past and in fact just went through the same thing today. I installed a new HD and it's indexing all my old files that just happen to be on a new drive laugh. In the future please be sure to provide more details, for example you neglected to list your OS, Memory resident applications, and what hardware you have installed.

Hmmm...alright, i've installed an new HD, but it's an standalone 'cuz the it's replacing my other HD which just blowed up frown , well i guess it ain't no indexing (i have a fresh windows installation right here). And i avoided the OS's part 'cuz i posted this post in the "NT Compatible Forum Index -> Tips & Configuration Tweaks (XP)" :D, that's it. Thx anyway, i guess i'll have to continue killing those processes manually

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Rather than killing the process all the time, why not just let it finish its thing, and then it won't bother you anymore? Or, if you don't want/need the functionality, just disable the Indexing Service in the services control panel.


Or, for even more control, you could disable the Indexing Service on certain drives, and leave it enabled for the rest. If you go into the properties of a drive from Explorer, there is a checkbox that says "Allow Indexing Service to index this disk for fast file searching".

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The curious fact is that i disabled the indexing service for my HD, but it's still loading.

Anyway i'll just leave like that, but i don't like to see any "HD's flashing lights" when i'm not doing anything on my Pc.

See ya'.

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Hi Andy,

Thanks for that PDF file I saved it to my PC for future analysis. That file is hella cool 8) .


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you might find this interesting:


thought i recognised the name el_vago32, how you doing ? its Andy from: http://www.coolchip-computers.co.uk/theshed/

Hey man, i'm fine (thx for the link) and i hadn't returned to the forum because i had the URL added to my Favorites list and my windows installation got messed; 'u know how it works...Anyway i'll be hanging around there in a few hours to check out the new stuffs.

See ya'

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