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Snort 1.9.1 win32 is out!

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Snort is an open source network intrusion detection system, capable of

performing real-time traffic analysis and packet logging on IP networks.

It can perform protocol analysis and content searching/matching in order to

detect a variety of attacks and probes, such as buffer overflows, stealth port

scans, CGI attacks, SMB probes, OS fingerprinting attempts, and much more.

Snort uses a flexible rules language to describe traffic that it should collect

or pass, as well as a detection engine that utilizes a modular plugin

architecture. Snort has a real- time alerting capability as well,

incorporating alerting mechanisms for syslog, user specified files, a

UNIX socket, or WinPopup messages to Windows clients using Samba's smbclient.


Snort has three primary functional modes. It can be used as a straight

packet sniffer like tcpdump(1), a packet logger (useful for network traffic

debugging, etc), or as a full blown network intrusion detection system.


Snort logs packets to many formats, including tcpdump(1) binary format or

Snort's decoded ASCII format to a hierarcical set of directories that are

named based on the IP address of the remote host.


Plugins allow the detection and reporting subsystems to be extended. Available

plugins include database or XML logging, small fragment detection, portscan

detection, and HTTP URI normalization, IP defragmentation, TCP stream

reassembly and statistical anomaly detection.



Be sure to grab the frontend:









Going to go have some fun now! laugh

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Will it sniff a Wan adapter on windows servers?


(Ethereal will not... ARG)

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