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Sorry. Warranty for me is KEY. Therefore this HD is just as bad as any other with a mere 1 year warranty.

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at this stage, SATA is no faster than IDE. Accompanied with a small warranty on a brand new "experimental" item such as a SATA hard drive, it just isn't worth getting my hands in to.


P.S.: Serial ATA can only have one device hooked up to it. Bad.

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It's not that much faster. I've read over 12 reviews on SATA and my friend has a SATA drive. Benchmarks show that SATA is not worth it. In SOME benchmarks, it's faster, but not by much.

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Seagate's SATA blows. Maxtor's SATA is getting better. I can agree with that only.


However, I can tell you that for the casual user, they won't notice a difference. For the price difference, it's not worth it right now. Give it 6 months and then go for it.


Never grab a "1st Release" of anything, always wait for it to be out for a while, incase a "2nd Release" comes out.


I'm just warning those who "marked" out by seeing how oh so good it is.

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Seagate's SATA blows. Maxtor's SATA is getting better. I can agree with that only.

LOL... well, I wouldn't say it "Blows", it's just not as good (ok, it is pretty bad, BUT remember: It was round #1... everyone else took the ball from there & ran w/ it and probably tore it apart & improved on it... especially WD with their upcoming "raptor" (more on that later)).

Funniest part is, I just watched one HELL of a flick called that, "BLOW" w/ Johnny Depp, Ray Liotta, & Penelope Cruz... see it (sort of a side note, but ironic you said that!).


Maxtor's IS getting better, & currently IS the best SATA I have seen tested, but I would like to see it up against WD's "Raptor" SATA @ 10,000rpm revolution rating...

On Maxtor, so far given reviews we can see @ least? Yes, we can agree on that much given those reviews... it's fairly impressive!

(Anything that can put the kibosh on my disks here by that much, has my respect... it'll be amazing when SATA comes full-circle & the mobo busses & I/O circuits match it's theoretically possible iirc, 600mb/sec. transferral rates!)

* That's more than my CENATEK RocketDrive can pull off, & what I am wondering is, what the seektimes will be?

See, this area (seektime which to me = loading speed of data & programs) is where this CENATEK RocketDrive, rules...

Its avg. seektime latency is nearly nil (especially compared to hdd's). BUT, the burst transferral rates on SATA @ least on paper on the theoretical high-end is amazing!

And, funny part? Here I was thinking HDD technology had hit its limits...

Now, what I mentioned above:

The WD Raptor is SATA & is 10,000 rpm (in case you did not know) & it has seektimes up there (rather, "down there") nearing the Seagate Cheetah X15 15,000 rpm UltraScSi-160/320 drive (which is @ 4.5ms iirc) & the WD Raptor is @ 5.2ms... FAST!

However, I can tell you that for the casual user, they won't notice a difference.

Maybe... maybe not! I remember going from 5400rpm IDE disks of PIO Mode 4 to UltraScSi-III disks @ 10,000rpm & saying "WoW!!!"... I noticed the difference, especially on NT4 (which is when I did this change) bigtime. NT based Os' originally were built & optimized for ScSi type operations & it showed thru largely in my experience.

For the price difference, it's not worth it right now. Give it 6 months and then go for it.

You may be right... BUT, I think you guys are missing my point here... I am not saying "GO OUT & BUY NOW!!!", heck, by no means!

What I'm saying is that I figured you guys might be rather impressed by this Maxtor 7,200rpm SATA unit, & now that I clued you in on the WD "Raptor" SATA 10,000rpm unit, that it might make you guys start wondering (I did a post on that one a few weeks back too) like myself this:

"How nice is that Raptor 10,000rpm SATA from WD going to be, especially since this Maxtor SATA @ 7,200rpm has done so nicely?"

(Some food for thought really... a "check it out" post!)

Never grab a "1st Release" of anything, always wait for it to be out for a while, incase a "2nd Release" comes out.

Yes, I agree! Again though, I think you guys are missing my point here... I was not trying to make a sale for Maxtor, lol... it was more for you techno freaks to take a peek @ & wonder about this stuff... especially since this one made a NICE showing, & the 10,000rpm WD "raptor" I mention above is coming soon too!

I'm just warning those who "marked" out by seeing how oh so good it is.

I don't understand... what is "marked out" mean?


(You went over my head... maybe this is "young folks slang speak" that I am just not up on... )

* FILL ME IN!!! lol...


Marked out is when a user gets all excited and happy over a product without really understanding the pros, cons , facts and fiction. Those who do understand all of that are called "smarts". There are "marks" and "smarts" in almost every aspect of the world.

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The Maxtor drive comes in UATA too. It would be interesting to see how the UATA models perform in comparision to the SATA ones.

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I look at HD's as Data Storage. Performance comes secondary to that. If I were to worry about the fastest possible disk speed then I would only use those disks for an OS drive.....still occasionaly I get lazy and store some important info on my OS drive's instead of my backup USB drives so even then if I went with a crap 1yr warranty drive there is a greater chance that I would lost my data. Will the warranty restore my data? NO!


After looking at all of my computer parts and comparing my hardware to my software my software is faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar more valuable to me and for good reason. All of the data that I have started collecting since 1990 is backed up and I am starting to scan my personal hardcopy info: Taxes, other financial, etc etc onto my backup drives. Data comes first.


This post is appreciated but most computer noob's just look at performance and do not take the lifetime of the product that they will use into consideration....as long as it's something that doesn't store data or that will corrupt data in any way then that is fine with me...but as soon as it does I will not even consider it.

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Was looking into implementing a RAID server over here but I went with USB drives over RAID seeing as how USB HD's are more compatible and versatile than hardware RAID. I'm in a situation where I could leave at almost any point in time and I'd like to take my data with me.


I just finished copying all of my USB/Firewire 120GB External Enclosures to 180GB External Enclosures.


Currently it's


1HD 200GB Game Images. (FULL)

1HD for Backup of Game Images

1HD 120GB for Game Images (Half full)

1HD for Backup of 120GB

1HD 200GB Work Images (3/4 FULL)

1HD 200GB Backup Work Images

1HD 200GB Travel USB (Has all of my data) (70gb free)

1HD 200GB Backup Travel


Still need to go back through my CD's and verify that I have all of them imaged. I'm guessing I probably need to backup 30-40 more CD's.


As you can see I still need to buy more enclosures + 200GBHD's for my Data and I'm also looking into buying more 200GB drives for my DVD's.



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This post is appreciated but most computer noob's just look at performance and do not take the lifetime of the product that they will use into consideration

Don't jump the gun, assuming I have no idea and a speed freak. A drives MINIMUM write speed is a useful attribute to some of us. 14MB/sec vs 38MB/sec. The better minimum write speed is useful for multimedia and video editing which I use my computer for.

P.S. I have 2 Maxtor drives now and both are fast and reliable drives.

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- one device per channel

- Price - it is not worth the high price / performance ratio.


for the price of an 80g SATA - i can get a 160g WD. - and the performace tests i have seen only show that it keep's a more high end speed when transfering files unlike ata which tends to slow down near the end of transfering files.

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SATA cables are far nicer to deal with. Also would be faster than regular ATA providing the Silicon Image controller is used.


Remember when the RAptor is being compared to the Diamondmax Plus that the Raptor is a measly 36GB compared to the nice 250GB of the Maxtor unit.

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very treu Alec, once again great response.


i did not read in detail the review - i was more going by past reviews and price of drives SATA and ATA i have seen - as i just bought 2 120g WD for a server.



I don't think many people do have 40g online of installed program - i know i hit close to 20g area and will likely go further with my overclocked gaming rig as i am installing most every game i love to play! but to use the 36g as your C drive - i am sure would reveal a great increase in over all system speed.



i mentioned price as it is a concern for me and for good performance, you do not always need to empty your wallet - as for the "everyday" or somewhat more advance user even - i do not think the perfomance gain would be noticable to the point of shelling out a small fortune.


To me i think SATA is still very infant and give it a few months, and it will be ALL that i will buy smile

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Currently it's

1HD 200GB Game Images. (FULL)
1HD for Backup of Game Images
1HD 120GB for Game Images (Half full)
1HD for Backup of 120GB
1HD 200GB Work Images (3/4 FULL)
1HD 200GB Backup Work Images
1HD 200GB Travel USB (Has all of my data) (70gb free)
1HD 200GB Backup Travel


do you put EVERYTHING on your computer..lol - that is what dvd-r and cd-r's are for smile

i though i had a pretty ftp with 360g...lol (aiming for the 1000g mark before the end of this year laugh

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i wish i had the patience to type as much as you..lol -



since i got a high end rig with all the overclocking and such i am doing - once the SATA go i will use the one SATA i got on my BH7 for that, and not use any other drives!

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well, just read that reviuew - it is nice, but it is a shame WD did not use SATA on their drive.


but with my past maxtor drives dying on me,m i have yet to trust another one.


Basically right now WD has me on their side - but if anyone of my 3 120g WD 1 with 8mb the other 2 with 2mmb just die, without some type of dieing down period or warning, then i may need to find another company!..lol

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yeppers - WD has bene my latest - my first 120g i think is hitt'n a year old now and it gets USED!!! (ftp hard disk - extracting files - deleting - uploading new - i did a defrag on it - the bar was ALL red..lol



i also had an IBM drive IBM 20g, and a Maxtor 40g - both died on me frown - so now i got those 3 WD's and 1 samsung as the main drive and no problems yet in a year for the samsung and the first wd 120g 8mb drive!



i always go brand name - i don't go cheap - as you said you get what you pay for - i woudl rather save up and wait to get what i want as opposed to settle for something less quality.

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