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Windows Installer error

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I get the following error message:


"Windos Installer Service could not be accessed. This can occur if Windows is running in safe mode, or if the Windows Installer is not correctly installed. Contact your support personel for assistance"


when i'm trying to install MS intellipoint 4.1. since i'm not in safe mode, how do i reinstall Windows Installer- do i need SP1 or something?

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Are you doing this from the win2k install or the XP install? What I am leading to is msiexec wasnt upgraded until win2k sp3 and windows xp ... perhaps there is a conflict between the installer and the actual service.


start / run / msiexec should say 2.0 for the above mentioned.


The service might also need to be restarted as APK pointed out.


Also are there any errors in the Event Viewer?

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thanks for ur help ppl...


ok the version is 2.0. I did try APK's method and found out that the service was not started and so i clicked the option to start the service but the same error still occurs- do i need to restart the computer to let the settings take affect? how do i check the event viewer?

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ok i've got it!


Thanks APK and DS3Circuit for ur help.


i used the link posted byDS3Circuit to microsft's support site :http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=315346 and followed the intructions.



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Do you know if this fix works on small business server 2003? I am trying to add the free sql server MSDE all i get is the same message, I have tried the services check etc but still no good. I have tried the latest version of msde but it tells me that .net is not installed, so I try that but get the same message as above. All i want to do is add sql support for a database arghh

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