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ThC 129

Difference between network bridge and ICS?

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I was wondering what the difference was between a network bridge in XP and ICS??

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As far as I know bridge connects two networks together (e.g. two lan adapters) where ICS (Internet Connection Sharing) is something different.

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a network bridge enables two (or more) networks (of same/different kind) to interface. ICS does what is stands for, it shares the bandwidth of your internet connection among the computers of a network.

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A network bridge connects 2 dissimilar networks together, like from token ring to ethernet, or, more commmonly now, WIFI (Wireless) to a Cat 5(Wired) network.


A repeater amplifies and resends what you've already got.


A gateway connects dissimilar protocals (IPX > TCP/IP) etc. (This is different from an IP "Default Gateway.")

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OK I might as well toss in my $.02 in. Now I am not a network major but this is what I remember when I asked a simular question.


A network bridge connects two networks of ANY kind (WIFI, ethernet, tokenring) with a router. This router just passes the packets along and does not do anything to them. This is how the internet is connected now. For example AT&T network backbone is bridged with Sprint.


ICS (NAT) is a type of router but it spoofs, masqerades, hides your private(non public) IP of 10.*.*.* or 192.168.*.* and passes the packet along to the internet with your public IP attached to the front.

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ah ok cool, thanks for the reply. I understand a little bit better now.

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