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Uhhh, how is my dial-up connecting at 115.2K?!

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After plugging in my new USR External 5686 modem, I didn't see the "Found New Hardware" wizard as I booted into Win2K. Checking Device Manager, it showed up as a "Standard Modem". Is this normal? I didn't use the USR CDROM that came with it since I saw no Win2K drivers on it anyway. It works fine by the way.


When I connect, it shows me connected at 115.2K. How is this possible? If I change the modem "speed" to 57600 in its properties, then my connection speed is listed as 57K when I connect. I understand dial-up has a max of around 53K, so is the speed (i.e., the 115.2K figure) quoted inside the Windows connection balloon useless?

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115,200bps is the max port speed of the serial bus. Generally speaking, external modems do not require drivers, since they are 'hardware' modems, unlike 'winmodems' which are dependant upon software drivers and CPU cycles. I really wouldn't worry about the connect speed, you'll only get ~53Kb/S max at any rate.

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Yes, it seems that way. It's just showing the maximum possible speed.


Even in normal circumstances, the number is just the initial connection speed. It's not the maximum speed of the connection, but it can be reference to your connection speed.

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As said the 115k is the connection from your serial port to your modem, not you modem connection to the internet. And BTW I would doubt very much if you get 56kbs, for a start the stadard phone line can only upto 33,600 approx. max. And you will also only download at about 6kbps anyway. I have a good link for you to read, I will post it later.

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