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I suddenly got an email that I joined this forum... but I don't remember ever joining this forum (but it might be useful so c'est la vive) so this is really really odd.


What is going on?

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Well, the obvious answer, of course, is time travel. At some point in the future, you've discovered what a wonderful website NTCompatible truly is, and to make sure that you start as a "Senior Member", you travelled back in time and set up an account today. That way, when you start using it (again?) in a few years time, you'll already have made some posts. ;( :x ***


On a more serious note, check with Philipp, he may be able to trace back IP addresses and the like of the person that registered using your e-mail address.


But, in the meantime, if you find something useful here, stick around - we're a friendly bunch most of the time!





*** Well, if some "less than accurate" newspapers can report about time travelling stock exchange trader types, then so can I! laugh

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That's my bad. Connected my Infinite Improbability Generator to some Earl Grey. This must have been the effect.



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